Prosty przepis na babkę ziemniaczaną z podlasia. Suwalszczyzna jedzenie

Potatoes, spuds or murphy. Better or less known names of Polish treasure that has its heritage in Podlachia cuisine.

They are durable, cheap and what is more they have extraordinary gustatory potential. In my new post that is associated with cooking I will introduce you so called „Potato pie” that can be prepared in the privacy of your own home.

You will not be starving after eating this delicious and easy made dish, I promise! This is traditional meal that guests in many houses and restaurants of Sudovia and could be served in many different ways.

Please be my guest and follow the simple steps of preparing the Potato Pie.


  • 2 kg of potatoes
  • 300g bacon (not necessary)
  • 2 onions
  • 4 eggs
  • 3-4 table spoons of potato starch
  • marjoram
  • salt, pepper
  • oil

You can also add your favourite seasonings and experiment with the flavours. Fell free.


  1. Bacon and onion should be diced into small pieces and fried.
  2. Pell the potatoes and grate them.
  3. Drain excess of water from the potato mass.
  4. Add potato flour, seasonings, eggs and fried bacon with onion. Mix all ingredients carefully.
  5. Cover the baking form with an oil (you can also use the baking paper).
  6. Bake in 180-190°C degrees for about 1h and 30-45 minutes.
  7. Serve with garlic sauce, cream, parsley, roux (bacon + onion).
  8. Please do not it much . It is unhealthy, but I know for sure that very delicious and you will like it.
  9. If Potato Pie is cold and you would like to heat it up, there is a simple way. Slice it and fry afterwards. It tastes even better after being fried.

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