Kartacz taste of Suwalszczyzna

KARTACZ is a name for one of the regional specialities from Suwalki region and I will try to explain how this extremely delicious dish is made.

Kartacz is a quite old dish from that comes from the North Pole of Poland. It is very known and recognizable all around and affect palate on anyone who has occasion to try them.
It consists of seasoned, minced meat, covered with potato mass.
It reminds a big cannonball that is why it is called Kartacz what means the same in Polish language.

The recipe can be modified in many different ways, the only limitation is time or our own imagination.

Today I will introduce you quite popular way of how to prepare this dish , with one little change that was added by me.

The ingredients needed for preparation of four portions (8 Kartacze) :

Potato mass:

  • 2,5 kg of potatoes
  • about 7 – 8 boiled potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of potato starch


  • 1kg of pork (the best option is shoulder part) (I personally prefer 50/50 pork plus beef)
  • Majroram (do not overdose)
  • 1 onion
  • Pepper, Salt , (I really like to add some cumin here )
  • An Egg


  • Bacon/pork fat
  • 1 onion


Grate the potatoes using greater machine or, if you are not so lazy, do not hesitate to use manual greater (there is no point to waste the energy when the effect is exactly the same while using both)

Let’s say that about 20% of obtained mass should be drained using table cloth or something similar to it. The purpose of it is to get out of access of water. The mass should not be too much watery. In the scale from 1 to 5 , please press out with the energy 3,5-4 .
The boiled potatoes should be mashed and added to the rest of the sour potatoes. Add potato starch and mix carefully all together.

Mince the meat, ad an egg and seasoning.

Now when both stuffing and mass are prepared it is time to start with Kartacze.
Take some potato mass and flat it on your hand. Put some meat on it and try to shape ellipse. You can prepare a glass of cold water and wet your hand while creating Kartacze. It will make that your Kartacze will be plain outside. Be careful and make sure that you have closed your Kartacze accurately.

Boil them for about 30-40 minutes in the salty water.
While you Kartcze are being boiled prepare the roux. Slice onions and bacon with the pork fat and fry them on the pan.

Serve Kartacze poured with the roux.


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